It’s usually the curb appeal urban Dallas properties put out there that either plants a winning first impression…or a ho-hum ( maybe it’s more interesting...
Which Type of Property is Best For You and the Family? Some people love living in condos, while others swear by detached homes. When it comes to deciding...
Buying a home in Dallas is sort of a modern day adventure. At first there’s the intrigue of figuring out the advantages and disadvantages between the...
It’s one of the skills a successful Oak Lawn/Uptown rental property investor needs to cultivate: if, or when, to sell. With property prices on the rise, some...
Beyond Spring Cleaning: Inexpensive Renewal Ideas With spring in the air, you don’t have to have your Uptown Dallas property for sale to catch the spring...
Right at the start of the year, Google announced a surprising move. It said it was purchasing a home appliance maker most of us had never even heard of…for $3.2...
With cars, TVs — even watches — getting connected through WiFi and wireless telephones, it’s small wonder that “Smart Homes” are here, too. According to Forbes...
How a Dallas Home Stager’s Experience Can Pay Off When you put your home on the market, one of the decisions it’s easy to overlook is whether to engage a...
A Real Estate Agent in Dallas —Willing to Share a Thing or 3! Real estate agents in Urban Dallas are true veterans when it comes to every aspect of what...
Slow & Steady Dallas Home Prices Rise if U.S. Trend is Echoed Near-Record Rise in National Home Prices Should Cool Down As reflected in the near-record...